3 minutes

Time management in PMBOK (Project Management Book of Knowledge) involves the ability of a project team to plan and finish its project at the right time. There are a few time management processes that can ensure adherence to schedule. Project management planning is crucial to project management the same way that time management pmbok is essential in the success of any project.

Processes in PMBOK Time Management

Organizing the PMBOK time properly is essential in the success of any project. There are 6 processes that are involved in PMBOK time management.


  1. Definition of activities. The project team needs to list the activities and tasks that should be done during the project life cycle so that they can be used for scheduling. Along with the activities and action items, the methods to be used during the processes should also be outlined. Among these are breaking down of milestones into action items and the utilization of templates.


  1. Sequencing of activities. During this time, project managers need to precede documents and map task dependencies. The team may use some tools such as precedence diagramming method and other techniques for diagramming dependencies and in the end, produce a network diagram. An expert can greatly use his experience in PMBOK time management when sequencing activities.


  1. Estimating resources. Resources include people, materials and machines that are needed to execute various project activities to produce the deliverables. A specialist determines the type of resources required and the quantity needed. Each activity resource needs to be estimated and for this, an expert judgment is required.


  1. Estimating activity durations. The project manager estimates the time needed to complete an activity in accordance to the scope and resource availability. To estimate time, experts use formulas such as the PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique). Accuracy is important to develop an exact schedule.


  1. Developing project schedule. A project management software such as Nutcache can help develop the schedule. There may be a need for resource leveling to prevent over allocation of resources. During this stage, the project team plots the start and end dates for each activity as well as the entire project’s start and completion dates. The team may use activity sequences, duration and resource estimation as well as project schedule constraints to achieve an accurate schedule. Knowledge of PMBOK time management is essential in developing a project schedule.


  1. Controlling the project schedule. Since processes change, so does the schedule. There is a need to create effective scheduling processes so that it becomes manageable so that when there is a need to change, it can be easily modified. A schedule’s manageable components can help minimize the need for changes. The schedule control process explains the project status monitoring so that it is easy to find changes in the schedule and the earlier it happens the more ways one can control the schedule to let the team meet the planned schedule.


The PMBOK time management processes will be highly interdependent with each other. Although small scope projects may have all its time management processes combined in one process, it is not required that all the processes should be defined separately. Nutcache project management and collaboration offers various features that can greatly assist project managers and project teams in their project. Sign up HERE now for a free trial.